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Самостојна изложба
Игор Тошевски
Текст: Никола Гелевски

КЦ Точка, Скопје
Мај 2002


Јас – Ти / I – You

Јас – Ти / I – You 
Интернационален симпозиум; изложба / International symposium; exhibition

Куратор: Билјана П. Исијанин / Curator: Biljana P Isijanin

Битола / Bitola
25.04 – 05.05.2002




The art of the Balkan coutries

The art of the Balkan coutries

Group exhibition

Texts: Miltiades M. Papanikolaou, Irina Subotic, Emil Aleksiev

State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki

April – May 2002





Игор Тошевски

Магор, Скопје (Едиција: Нешто помеѓу)


Comics Stories in the Balkans

Comics Stories in the Balkans
Group exhibition

Texts: Evangelos Venizelos, Apostolos Papayinnopoulos, Yiorgos Katsangelos, Tasos Apostolides, Kostas Aronis


Cinema Museum, Thessaloniki



Artforum in New Moment – East Art Map

Artforum in New Moment – East Art Map
Publication (New Moment Magazine No.20: East Art Map –  A Re(Construction) of the History of Art in Eastern Europe)
Project by IRWIN and New Moment ; For IRWIN: Miran Mohar, Andrej Savski and Borut Vogelnik ; Editors: IRWIN

Published by: Sakan Dragan – New Moment d.o.o., Ljubljana/Belgrade