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1000 Kisses / 1000 Bisous

1000 Kisses / 1000 Bisous
Solo exhibition / Exposition personnelle
Miroslav Masin
Arts Club, Council of Europe, Strazbourg / Club des Arts, Conseil de l’ Europe, Stazbourg
January 2003 / Janiver 2003


Des Anges et Des Hommes

Des Anges et Des Hommes
Еxposition collective

Participants: Zahary Kamenov, Aneta Svetieva, Aurel Vlad


La Laiterie, Centre Européen de la Jeune Création, Strassbourg

15 septembre – 14 octobre 2001


Хроника 1987 – 1997

Хроника 1987 – 1997

Хронологија на настани од областа на македонските современи ликовни и применети уметности од 1987 – 1997

Автор: Марина Лешкова

Центар за документација при Музејот на современата уметност, Скопје




Petar Hadzi Boskov

Petar Hadzi Boskov
Publication (published on the occasion of bestowing the sculpture “Blooming” by Petar Hadzi Boskov, to the Council of Europe as a present from Republic of Macedonia)

Published by The Museum of the City of Skopje

Strasbourg, 6. November 1997
