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From Consideration to Commitment: Art in Critical Confrontation to Society

From Consideration to Commitment: Art in Critical Confrontation to Society (Belgrade, Ljubljana, Skopje, Zagreb: 1990 – 2010)
A publication realized in the framework of the project Let’s Talk Critic Arts

Publishers: in cooperation with ForumSkopje Kurziv – Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana, Artservis The Association of NGOs Clubture
April 2011, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Skopje


In search of Balcania / Auf der Suche nach Balkanien

In search of Balcania / Auf der Suche nach Balkanien
Group exhibition / Gruppenausstellung

Curators / KuratorInnen: Roger Conover, Eda Cufer, Peter Weibel

>>> Tome Adzievski, Zaneta Vangeli, Aneta Svetieva, Aleksandar Stankoski & Branislav Sarkanjac


Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz
05.10 – 01.12.2002


2000+ Arteast Collection – Меѓународна колекција на Модерна галерија Љубљана

2000+ Arteast Collection – Меѓународна колекција на Модерна галерија Љубљана
Групна изложба
Куратор: Зденка Бадовинац; стручен соработник: Бојана Пишкур

Простор 2 – Чифте амам, Уметничка галерија, Скопје
6 – 30 септември 2002


The art of the Balkan coutries

The art of the Balkan coutries

Group exhibition

Texts: Miltiades M. Papanikolaou, Irina Subotic, Emil Aleksiev

State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki

April – May 2002



što, kako i za koga / what, how & for whom

što, kako i za koga (povodom 152. godišnjice Komunističkog manifesta) / what, how & for whom (on the occasion of 152nd anniversary of the Communist Manifesto)
Izložba, performansi, predavanja, radionice, prezentacije / Exhibition, performances, lectures, workshops, presentations
Kustosice / Curated by: Ana Dević, Nataša Ilić, Sabina Sabolović

Dom hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika, Zagreb / House of Croatian Association of Artists, Zagreb
16.06 – 10.07.2000


A fal után: Művészet es kultúra a posztkommunista Európában / After the Wall: Art and Culture in post – Communist Europe

A fal után: Művészet es kultúra a posztkommunista Európában / After the Wall: Art and Culture in post – Communist Europe
Csoportkiállítás, szimpózium, film vetületek / Group exhibition, symposium,film projections
>>> Iskra Dimitrova, Zaneta Vangeli, Igor Toshevski
Ludwig Múzeum – Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum, Budapest / Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest
15.06 – 27.08.2000