The Large Glass No. 25-26
The Large Glass No. 25-26
Journal of contemporary art, culture and theory
Editor-in-Chief: Tihomir Topuzovski
Publisher: Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje
The Large Glass No. 25-26
Journal of contemporary art, culture and theory
Editor-in-Chief: Tihomir Topuzovski
Publisher: Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje
što, kako i za koga (povodom 152. godišnjice Komunističkog manifesta) / what, how & for whom (on the occasion of 152nd anniversary of the Communist Manifesto)
Izložba, performansi, predavanja, radionice, prezentacije / Exhibition, performances, lectures, workshops, presentations
Kustosice / Curated by: Ana Dević, Nataša Ilić, Sabina Sabolović
Dom hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika, Zagreb / House of Croatian Association of Artists, Zagreb
16.06 – 10.07.2000