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Не можам да сопрам!!!
Интервју со Антонио Аранѓеловиќ

Разговарала: Ивана Кузмановска

Објавено во Life магазин, Скопје

Јуни 2011



From Consideration to Commitment: Art in Critical Confrontation to Society

From Consideration to Commitment: Art in Critical Confrontation to Society (Belgrade, Ljubljana, Skopje, Zagreb: 1990 – 2010)
A publication realized in the framework of the project Let’s Talk Critic Arts

Publishers: in cooperation with ForumSkopje Kurziv – Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana, Artservis The Association of NGOs Clubture
April 2011, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Skopje
