Avanti grafika! drugič / Avanti Graphic! #2
Skupinska razstava / Group exhibition
Besedila / Texts: Zora Stančić, Mojca Zlokarnik, Breda Škrajnec
>>> Vlado Gjoreski
Galerija DLUL, Ljubljana / Gallery DLUL, Ljubljana
15.06 – 07.07.2019
Exhibition, collective artbook/fanzine, workshop
Assemblage Atlas (Anastasia Pandilovska, Ana Jovanovska and Amir Karahasan)
DobraVaga Gallery, Ljubljana
15.06.2018 – 07.07.2018
Episode 9: Panel discussion—‘Art and culture in neoliberal and nationalist times’
Text / blogging about the Flanders Balkan Express Meeting (Episode 9)
Author: Marijke De Moor
16 June 2017
Flanders-Balkan Express Caravan meeting in Ljubljana
Workshop for participants from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Flanders
Ljubljana, Slovenia
5 – 8 June 2017
Osemdeseta I Dediščina 1989. Študijski primer: druga razstava Jugoslovanski dokumenti / The Eighties I The Heritage of 1989. Case Study: The Second Yugoslav Documents Exhibition
(Osemdeseta skozi prizmo dogodkov, razstav in diskurzov – 3. del / The 1980s through the Prism of Events, Exhibitions and Discourses – Part 3)
Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia
26 April 2017 — 17 September 2017
Artist Talk: Nikola Uzunovski: Alien @ Sonica 2016
Video interview with Nikola Uzunovski during his Alien workshop at Sonica Festival
Skopje modernist architecture
lecture (video documentation)
Nikola Uzunovski
Lost Futures – Sonica Festival Symposium, Slovenska Kinoteka, Ljubljana
The Body – My Territory, City of Women
International Festival of Contemporary Arts
Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana
5 – 15.10.2015
Troubled Relation Between Theory and Curatorial Practice
lecture and discussion
Suzana Milevska
SCCA Project room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana
February 5, 2014
Solo exhibition
Dimitar Malidanov
Spremna beseda / Text: Nives Marvin
Galerija ZDSLU Ljubljana
(16. januar – 7. februar 2014)
Lokarjeva galerija Ajdovščina
(9.– 30. januar 2015)