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Curatorial Workshop

Curatorial Workshop
Samostalna izložba / Solo exhibition

Gorančo Đorđievski

Kustos i autor teksta / Curator and text: Mirjana Dabović Pejović

Atelje Dado – Narodni muzej Crne Gore, Cetinje / Atelier Dado – The National Museum of Montenegro, Cetinje
Maj – jun 2013 / May – June 2013



On the Move

On the Move
Group exhibition

Curated by Vanessa Joan Müller, Astrid Wege, Eva Birkenstock and Yilmaz Dziewior

Participants: Yane Calovski, David Maljkovic, Dorit Margreiter, Nick Mauss, Charlotte Moth, Stephen Willats, Johannes Wohnseifer

Kunsthaus, Bregenz

27.04 – 30.06.2013
